Ranna is a clean and Modern HTML & CSS3 Template. It has included all necessary features like category lisitng page in grid & list view also different listing page & listing detail page.
Built Based on Bootstrap Bootstrap V 4
Total 21 HTML Pages Included
2 Different Home pages
4 Recipe Page Layout
2 Post detail page
AJAX Power Contact Form
Google Map with API Key
Fully Responsive
W3c Validated HTML5 & CSS3 Coding
Clean & Modern Design
Smooth Transition Effects
All Modern Browser Compatible [IE 11+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera and Safari]
Well Commented Code.
Font Awesome (350+ Icons).
Google Web Font.
Well Documented.
Owl Carousel Slider.
Nivo Slider.
Google Map.
Easy Customizable and Flexible Elements.
Extensive and Quick Support.