Admin Panel Templates

Soccer - Project Management Admin Template & UI Kit

Soccer is a smooth, neat and very complete UI kit with Bootstrap 4x framework. We designed 100+ (HTML Pages) beautiful covers with responsive for your prospective project using a Bootstrap with SCSS.  


  • Bootstrap 4x
  • jquery v3.4.1
  • Built

CodiePie - Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template & ui kit

CodiePie is a whole package to develop any sort of web application which involves admin panel, SaaS application, a web portal, CMS or any back-office app.
CodiePie is a modern open-source WebApp template for admin

Otika - Bootstrap Admin Template

Otika is a strong & lightweight bootstrap admin template based on Bootstrap 4x Framework. It has a tremendous collection of reusable UI components and integrated with the most advanced jQuery plugins.

Otika uses SASS to secure your life editing the

Super Admin Invoicing and Dashboard Bootstrap Template

Super Admin- Invoicing and Dashboard Template

Super Admin Invoicing and Dashboard Bootstrap Template is a fabulous & lightweight dashboard template based on Bootstrap Framework. Super Admin Invoicing and Dashboard Bootstrap Template easily customizable and beneficial for Invoicing application and

Mentor - Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard Template

Mentor admin dashboard is robust yet a lightweight bootstrap 4 admin dashboard template for backend admin panels. It is fully responsive and lays its foundation on Bootstrap 4.

Preclinic - Medical & Hospital Bootstrap4 Admin Template Free Download

Preclinic is a fully responsive and easy customizable multipurpose template built with the Bootstrap 4+ framework, latest web technology HTML5 and CSS3. 

Preclinic is compatible with on all major browsers, iPad, iPhone, Tablet, Andriod mobiles, and all

Aero - Bootstrap 4x Admin Template Free Download

Aero, a next generation modern and clean Bootstrap 4x dashboard and admin template using flat, modern and minimal design. It is fully responsive built using SASS preprocessor, HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery plugins. CRM, Backend Websites, CMS,

Modular Admin Free Bootstrap 4 Dashboard Theme HTML version

ModularAdmin is an open source dashboard theme built in a modular way. That makes it easy to scale, modify and maintain.  


Dark Admin Bootstrap 4 PREMIUM Free Download

Bootstrap 4 Dark admin Premium is a premium version of myBootstrap 4 Dark admin template.  It contains all the UI elements that come with the free version and many premium components and plugins. SASS files are

Melody Premium Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template

Melody is one of the best admin panel templates. With this bootstrap admin template, you can quick start your project. Why waste time starting from scratch; try out our admin dashboard template. Melody is crafted

Miminium Admin Panel Template Material Design Free Download

Minimum Admin has a very playful yet professional looking interface. The template has a clean very high-quality design, with very bright and eye-catchy colors. The components are arranged in a very organized manner that can

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