As with Soccer version, we added new elements and widgets and redesign others to fit the American Football theme. Among others we included an Events Calendar, a ranked popular news widget and new match results big and small versions.
We designed 2 shop versions for you to choose. One with product cards, and the other without.
- 100% Responsive Layout Design
- HTML5 and CSS3
- Bootstrap 4 (New!)
- Sass (SCSS syntax)
- 116+ HTML files
- BEM classes naming
- Building Tools: npm, Gulp, Panini (handlebars)
- CSS3 Animation
- Custom SVG icons
- Simple Line Icons
- Font Awesome Icons
- 700+ Google Fonts Usable
- 34 widgets
- Working widgets:
- Twitter Widget
- Instagram Widget
- Social Counters widget
- 4 Blog Pages
- 3 Post Pages
- Shop Pages
- 8 Team Pages
- 5 Player Pages
- 89 PSDs files included
- Documentation
- and much more…